Friday, January 6, 2012

"I have four kids and I like it!"

With 4 kids in 4 years, I have definitely been privy to many a curious, complimentary, or condemning comment (depending on a person's personal view on family planning, of course).  Perfect strangers think nothing of stopping me in the grocery store to marvel at my walking circus.  Sometimes they make me smile and well up with pride in my little brood, other times I have cried for hours at their harsh words, but most often I simply find amusement in their comments and body language: 
"You know what causes that don't you?" (a perceived witty comment by many)
"Why yes, I do, and I happen to like it." (a favorite response of mine - I love to watch their reactions)

Another favorite question of friends and strangers alike is "Are you having any more?"  Although none of their business, I don't mind this question (when asked without the disapproving tone, of course) - I would want to ask the same thing!  So, for all of you readers wondering as well: no, we are not planning on having anymore.  I definitely feel that this Princess' castle is full at the moment! :)  

1 comment:

  1. We have a blog also! You will treasure documenting these happy years! : ) So glad to see you in the blogging world! Take Care! : )
