Sunday, January 8, 2012

Arrr...Matey! There be Pirates in the Backyard!

Pirate ship playground

What do you do with an old Dodge Neon with 300,000+ miles on it that no one wants to buy?  You trade it with someone for a "project" ski boat.

What do you do when the motor on that "project" ski boat doesn't actually work like you were told?  You sell the motor for parts.

What do you do with the remaining boat that has already been gutted and sitting in your yard for months?  TURN IT INTO A PIRATE SHIP, of course!

At least, that's the way we opted to spend a weekend together.  It was "all hands on deck" as the whole family pitched in digging, sanding and painting.  20 hours and $30 later, we had our new pirate ship - a perfect fit for our 3 little pirates!


  1. Hey Janelle! Hooray for a blog!

    Did you paint the pirate flag?


  2. Yes, we just cut an old sheet and painted it with exterior house paint. It's held up a lot better than we anticipated it would!

    ...And thanks for checking out the blog. :)

  3. Brayden can't wait to come play on the pirate ship!

  4. Awe...That is sooooo cool. I want to come and play pirates too! :)

  5. That is awesome! Clever parents, lucky kids
